Cool Free Tools for Your Computer

Even though I used to do some IT work, I was a Mac guy at the time…and the tools were totally different than on the PC. And… that was eons ago… the internet was much younger… and spyware was almost unheard of. I had a long battle yesterday with...

Tim Ferriss: The 4-Hour Workweek

I’ve had my eye on Tim Ferriss for 2-3 months now. When I read a bit about the concept of his forthcoming book, something about it got my attention. I should begin by saying that I don’t generally buy a lot of self-help or get-rich-quick books. But...

Jonathan Coulton: I Like His Music

Yes, it’s late at night. I’ve been up re-launching my blog (God knows how many times I’ve done this…but moving from one host to another always kills me). I should be asleep, but Jonathan Coulton just came up on my iPod…so I’m gonna...