A Nice Deal On A Good Product

There was a series of DVDs called Noodlebug that was created a few years back, designed for young children (ages 2 and up). It incorporated music, movement, animation and live video to teach kids about healthy brains, bodies, activities, animals, bugs and more. I did...

Catching Up

Wow…so long gone, eh? I plead guilty. It’s been something like 6-8 months since my last post. But it’s time to peel back the lid off the basket and dunk a few. This time, I’m going to focus on catching up with a few things that I’ve...

Two Quick Freebies

Since I had previously done an audio version of some of those Chuck Norris facts, a friend recently suggested that I do the same for some of the new Sarah Palin facts…so if you enjoy that kind of humor (as I do), come haveĀ a listen. If you like it, please...