Catching Up

Wow…so long gone, eh? I plead guilty. It’s been something like 6-8 months since my last post. But it’s time to peel back the lid off the basket and dunk a few. This time, I’m going to focus on catching up with a few things that I’ve...

The Plugin I’ve Been Waiting For!

Okay…I know…I’m usually the last one to know about these things. So this probably isn’t BREAKING NEWS to anyone (not that that would stop Rita Cosby from using that sound effect of hers!). But someone has finally created a plugin that does what...

A Fresh Look at AdSense

I whine about Google AdSense a lot, because there are so many little areas in which it needs to be improved. But, then again…Google has been my largest single employer for a few years. And who doesn’t love to criticize the boss?? And yes, believe...

Cool Email Solution?: Google Apps

I’ve been using Google’s new service designed for small business for the last 2-3 months now…just for my email service. While it’s not perfect, I have found it more dependable than ANY domain-based email solution. The only thing I’ve seen...

Fred Haring Videos Now on YouTube

Fred Haring has been a friend of mine for many years. He’s a very gifted songwriter (along with all the other things going on in his life). I’ve been meaning to get his two music videos posted on YouTube for a long time, but finally got to it this morning....

Brain Food, Audio Style

For many of you, part of this will be old news…especially if you’re already a fan of NPR (National Public Radio). I’ve been a sporadic listener for over 15 years now…having first noticed them in September 1991 during the Clarence Thomas/Anita...